Using the power of GPT-3 in Salesforce CLI

Mohan Chinnappan
2 min readDec 17, 2021

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text.

It has great potential in improving the applications we use in everyday work.

Adding this power to the great platforms like Salesforce will improve the productivity of the users in a big way.

In this post let us discuss about how you can use Salesforce SFDX to use openAI’s GPT-3 based model.

Let us see few simple use cases:

  • Need to make a summary (tl;dr) of a large text to quick reading
  • Need to find the sentiment of the user comments in service console application
  • Need to create great ideas (Idea Generation) for a given situation say, you like to post about a new feature in your service cloud implementation to your user group: Taglines for a user group about new feature in contact center.


I got excited about the power of GPT-3 model, so added access to GPT-3 model features in to Salesforce CLI so that our Ohana can make use of it. It is written in a generic way anyone with openAI API key can make use of it.

Excited and want to try?

Here is the details:

Code generation by machine

By the way, davinci-codex engine in GPT-3 knows how build web applications based on your instructions in English!

Here is a the demo, where the machine created a Web App hosted here:

based simple instructions I provided to the model in English. Mind blowing!

Here is the demo of this:

DaVinci Codex engine at work!

